- 2 slim branches or thick twigs per holder, plus small twigs to use for adjusting
- Go for branches with lots of personality! Interesting bark, texture, or color make each one really special.
- 1 spring of pine needles per holder
- Parchment paper
- Hot glue gun and glue
- Garden shears or another tool to trim ends of holders, if desired
- Print out or write out each guest's name on a 3" x 2" piece of parchment paper. Tear edges to be ragged.
- Trim branches down to even sets of 2. No branches should be smaller than 4" long, and probably no longer than 7".
- Slip place card between two branches, flip holder over, and hot glue the seam between the branches, preferably with a bit of the parchment paper as well. Tilt on side to dry.
- When dry, add a dab of glue to the base of the pine sprig and nestle in next to place card.
- If necessary, hot glue small twigs to base of holders to prop them up nicely so you can read guests' names.
What a wonderful idea. <3<3<3