October 30, 2012

Cookie Cutter Pumpkin Carving

I'm happy to share that another Pinterest project payed off!  I thought the idea of using cookie cutters to "carve" a pumpkin was pretty genius, but iffy on whether or not it would work.  I will say that for the plastic cookie cutters, I didn't even try thwacking them with a hammer.  The metal ones went like gangbusters, though, so I'm happy to report this pin win: verified!

Now what you're seeing is the result of two metal cookie cutters (the house and candy), and tracing a plastic bat cookie cutter.  To the left of the house, I traced a ghost cookie cutter, too.  With the metal ones, I just kept hammering away trying to evenly push the cookie cutter in, and it went really well.  The candy piece got a little mangled on the left side, but that was the only downside to this approach.

I thought the house looked a little odd just floating in with the other shapes so I added the little walkway/river/moat/whatever you want to call it.  For experiments with my 2-year-old's pumpkin, I still call it a success.  I laid out the Halloween cookie cutters for him to choose from and did them in the order he wanted, so I was able to find a pretty good way to include him.  He was most excited over the massive piles of guts I scraped from the pumpkins first.  That came as no surprise.  He was napping when I took this pic so he hasn't seen the final product of our handiwork.  I can't wait to show him the lit pumpkins tomorrow night!

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