August 23, 2012

Backlog Part 5: Toddler Train Birthday Party

Time to document the super fun train birthday party we threw for my son this year!
I used a Wilton cake pan for the train-shaped cake, decked out with oreo wheels, sugar cone smoke stack and marshmallow smoke (thanks for the idea!).  The marshmallows were a BIG hit- even moreso than the cake for the bday boy.

A few pieces of poster board and craft foam... paper?... made for a train that ran along the back of the couch.

With white balloons for steam.  I was pretty proud of that bit. ;-)

I got the idea for the Happy Birthday banner from Etsy.  Just construction paper, printed out letters, and a couple train pictures strung on ribbon.

The idea to put down black tape as train tracks leading to the house is courtesy of Pinterest.  They make duct tape in a bunch of colors!  Perfect.

My son got a kick out of it and really, it was a manageable, affordable effort.  I did the poster board trains one night, the birthday banner over a couple days, cake the night before, and set up the train tracks the day of.  Hope you enjoyed!

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